East of England – Peterborough

What to expect

Restored Lives in Peterborough is run by Stephen. It offers practical tips and informal support to people going through relationship breakdown.

The course is for everyone and gives practical tools to deal with the issues raised when they face separation and/or divorce.

Important topics are covered and these include:

Healing hurt and pain
Communicating effectively
Resolving conflict
Letting go
Children and divorce
Looking forward to the future

Each evening includes a talk on one of the topics and opportunities to discuss the issues raised in small groups.

The course is designed for anyone going through the breakup of a significant relationship. You may be in the midst of it or still feeling the effects years afterward. Either way, this course is for you.

The course is based on Christian values but is for people of all faiths and none. The content is not religious and you do not need to be a member of Kingsgate to attend. Everyone is welcome.


This course runs online as part of the central online course.