Your Direction Workshops for Teenagers and Young People

Get support with your parent’s separation

Join Your Direction, our free five-session workshop. Together we’ll explore the challenges and share tools to help you move forward with your life.

It is a safe space where you’ll meet other young people in similar situations. No judgement, just support and practical skills.

Built on real-life experiences of young people and expertise from counsellors and specialists. It’s not counselling but is an ideal complement to it.

  • "I feel empowered to live my own life and feel that my parent’s divorce is an event and not a defining feature of my life. I also feel equipped to set boundaries and express my feelings comfortably."

    - Your Direction Participant

  • "The best thing about Your Direction was being able to share difficult situations and past experiences in a safe space with people who are willing to listen and not judge."

    - Your Direction Participant

  • "I found this course very inviting and easy to jump into."

    - Your Direction Participant

  • "I learned how to deal with issues and how to see the silver lining of a problem"

    - Your Direction Participant

  • "I didn't realise how powerful sharing your shared experiences could be. Everyone seems so impacted in such a great way and all we did was have a conversation. I wish there were spaces like this in everyday life."

    - Your Direction Participant

  • "It was quite hard to open up but was rewarding. I was in quite a vulnerable place and didn't realise how low I was until I did the first survey."

    - Your Direction Participant

  • "We were given the space to engage in conversations I never would of been a part of in my day-to-day life as well as a giant tool box to cope with my parent's separation."

    - Your Direction Participant

  • "The best thing about Your Direction was finding people who empathised with situations rather than just sympathising"

    - Your Direction Participant

  • "Your Direction has given me skills I will use now including: active listening skills, staying calm in tense situations, setting boundaries, open communication, greater perception, more empathy and kindness for others (even those who hurt me) and forgiveness for myself and others."

    - Your Direction Participant

  • "The best thing about Your Direction was being able to talk and be listened to and ask questions that others don't usually do."

    - Your Direction Participant

Hear from other young people

Join us online

We run online on Wednesday evenings three times a year for two age groups.

The next workshops begin:

Abi’s Your Direction journey

Age Group 12 – 17

Wednesday, 26th February 2025 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm

Age Group 18 – 30

Wednesday, 26th February 2025 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm

Who is it for?

Your Direction is for young people whose parents have split up including parents in civil partnerships and cohabiting couples.

We run workshops for two age groups 12-17s and 18-30s. Your parents might be splitting up now or they may have divorced years ago.

Follow our socials!

Why join Your Direction?

It’s a safe space

Hear personal stories

Meet others

Get expert advice

Learn life skills

Have your say

All participants receive a free ‘Travel Guide’ which accompanies the course.

Significantly improve your wellbeing

Participants report a significant improvement in wellbeing. Going from an average of 5 out of 10 at the start of the course to 8 out of 10 at the end. Those who started the course with a score less than 5 (averaging a score of 3) moved up to a well-being score over 7! 

If you think your parent’s separation is impacting how you feel, come along to see if Your Direction can help.


Download Free Resources

For Parents

Click image to download free guide for parents

For Teachers & Youth Workers

Click image to download free guide for teachers and youth workers

Contact us to help spread the word or volunteer.

For information about setting up your own course visit our run a course page

Your Direction has been developed by Restored Lives in partnership with the children’s charity Spurgeons. It is delivered by a team of trained volunteers who have experienced the issues surrounding parental separation personally. All the necessary safeguarding processes are in place.