Tips for Surviving Valentines Day As a Divorcee

Valentines tips for divorcees

Photo by Patrick Perkins on Unsplash

Valentine’s day stinks when you are single and trying to recover from a breakup so we have created some Tips for Surviving the day for divorcees and anyone who is coping to terms with the end of a significant relationship.

On Valentine’s day everywhere you look, you are bombarded by images of happy couples, hearts, and flowers it feels like it is everywhere.  Other people’s Instagram and Facebook posts are filled with images of the cards or gifts their partners bought or ‘cute’ messages of appreciation for their partner. It’s like one huge public display of affection in digital form.

If you are single it can leave you feeling really sad and lonely especially if you’re still recovering from a breakup but it doesn’t have to be that way. You can make positive choices that will help make Valentine’s day less stinky. Who knows you might surprise yourself and find ways to reclaim the day and make it fun.

Here are some ideas we had to help you manage the day:

  • – Plan something indulgent for yourself. This can be as simple as tea and toast snuggled under your duvet or taking time out to do something you really enjoy. Give yourself permission to do something just for you.
  • – Prearrange some contact with a good friend who understands that this might be a tricky day for you. This could be a phone call or going for a walk together.
  • – Get some exercise. Moving our bodies is scientifically proven to raise our energy and happy hormone levels. It doesn’t have to be complicated, even dancing around the kitchen to a favourite song or taking a walk around the block.
  • – Treat yourself to a gift. Use the money you would have spent on a gift or card for your ex to treat yourself. Buy yourself something that usually you’d see as a treat – it could be flowers, a really lovely box of chocolates or whatever you would like. The best bit is that you will choose the perfect gift for you – no chance of having to smile and be grateful for something you don’t really like!
  • – Avoid social media for the day. Teddie Rosevelt once said “Comparison is the thief of joy” – we have probably all felt ‘less than’ when looking at social media at one time or another. Seeing lots of romantic messages on Valentine’s day won’t help so just stay off those platforms for the day.
  • – Make positive choices for what you consume in terms of books, TV, and music. Valentine’s day might not be the best day for a romantic comedy, novel, or love songs. Switch these for uplifting music, books, or comedy instead.


The most important thing to remember is that it’s ok to be feeling sad – it’s a completely natural reaction to the end of a relationship, even if it ended some time ago. Even if it feels like it, you are not alone and you won’t feel like this forever.

What Next?

Are you or is someone you know going through a breakup? Or perhaps they have been separated or divorced and are still struggling with the fallout? Register for our next online course.

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