Blog > Moving On

Navigating Divorce After 60

A divorce is one of the most challenging life transitions. What happens next when you go your separate ways? Here are seven tips to navigate it and manage your life after separation.  Separating after 60 brings its own set of unique challenges. You may have grown up children or have been planning a retirement with…

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How do you know if you should remarry after divorce? – A Christian Perspective

    Our anonymous author is a Christian continuing their journey through the thorny issues of friendship, dating and remarriage after a divorce. In this blog, they explore the idea of remarriage from a Christian perspective, although much of what they write is relevant for a wider audience. Immediately after divorce the idea of remarriage…

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Why do friends disappear after divorce? Image shows a pair of empty shoes smoking like a friend has disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Why do friends disappear after divorce?

Many divorced people report a dramatic reduction in the numbers of their friends following their divorce.  This can add to the distress and disorientation that so many of us feel during divorce.  In this blog a divorcee shares their own experiences of friendship and dating during and after their divorce and seeks to answer “Why…

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Dating disasters of the recently divorced

So what’s it really like dating after a divorce? Read on to find out how one divorcee is navigating the dating scene now she is divorced.  Government health warning – I’m not an expert Before I start this post I wanted to point out that I am certainly no expert on dating – as evidenced…

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dignity is better than revenge

Dignity versus Revenge

When someone hurts you badly there’s often a strong pull towards taking revenge but could this mean sacrificing something even more valuable – your dignity? Is dignity better than revenge? Read on as the author shares some of their thoughts on why maintaining their dignity through the breakup of their marriage was more important than…

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Rabbit - when is it ok for a divorcee to date again?

Are you ready to start dating again?

As a divorcee how do you know when you are ready to start dating again? It’s a difficult decision with a lot of pitfalls. In this blog, the author explains what she learnt when she started dating again after her divorce. Why is it so hard to know when you are ready to start dating…

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Forgiveness Poster

Should I forgive my ex?

At the Restored Lives course, we dedicate a whole week to discuss forgiveness because it is such a difficult topic. Guests ask themselves “should I forgive my ex?” read on to find out more about this tricky subject. Should I forgive my ex? One of the things we talk about at the Restored Lives course…

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Restored Lives should go global

Restored Lives should go global: I was living in Singapore when my marriage broke down and it would have made my journey to recovery (and most importantly, that of my children) so much smoother. Not long after I came to London two years ago I read an article about the course. Initially I didn’t think…

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I thought I was living a wonderful life

I thought I was living a wonderful life. I had just been given a new car for my 25th wedding anniversary, we had two brilliant children and a beautiful home. We worked hard together in two businesses and had life’s normal ups and downs.  We had several stressful attempts at infertility treatment and I had a…

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Mother’s Day

I’ve really struggled with Mother’s Day since divorce at times. This will be my fifth one on my own.  (Yeah I’m counting). To the point that I now actually make a deliberate choice to stay away from Facebook on that day, as I find all the status updates or pictures about how spoilt they’ve been,…

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